Get Uber Promo Code in Tokyo

Tokyo is the only part of Japan where Uber operates. This blog tells you how to get Uber&UberEATS discount coupons in Tokyo


【January 2022】How to Get ¥1800 Off UberEATS promo code/delivery coupon in Tokyo and Japan

This article provides information about how to get ¥1800 Off UberEATS promo code/delivery coupon in Tokyo and Japan. It provides you the latest information as of October 2021.


// 日本和东京的优步【优步促销代码2020年7月】 在东京和日本的首次Uber Ride享受¥2000的折扣 如何在东京和日本使用超级乘车促销代码 下载应用程序并获得超级乘坐促销 东京和日本的UberEATS促销代码 日本和东京的优步【优步促销代码2020年7月】 需要从东京羽…

如何在东京和日本获得UberEATS促销代码/送货券的¥ 1800折扣【2022年1月】

// 在东京和日本获得UberEATS促销码减¥1800 如何在东京和日本使用Uber Eats促销代码 下载应用程式 东京和日本的UberEATS *优步于2022年1月在东京和日本使用促销代码: eats-wqx6pg 饿着肚子想把外卖食品送到东京吗? 您知道UberEATS在整个东京提供服务吗? U…

Top 5 must oder UberEATS Bubble Tea(タピオカ)Menus in Tokyo

// Do you know you can buy Bubble Tea(タピオカ)on UberEATS? Top 5 must oder UberEATS Bubble Tea(タピオカ)Menus in Tokyo 1. 春水堂 表参道店 Chunsuitan Omotesandou (Omotesandou) 2. ジ アレイ 中目黒店 THE ALLEY Nakameguro (Nakameguro) 3. …

Starbucks Drinks are on the UberEATS now in Japan!

Starbucks has finally started UberEATS delivery in Japan! // 「I don't go out due to cold wether today, but wanna drink Starbucks beverage」 I'm sometimes obsessed with this selfish thinking. I don't go out, but If someone in my family is …

Top 5 Must Order UberEATS Menus in Tokyo

// Overwelmed by amount of UberEATS meues? Top 5 must oder UberEATS menus in Tokyo 1. AFURI Azabujuban (Dipping Nudle, Azabujuban) 2. AND THE FRIET (Friet, Hiroo) 3. Umami Burger (Hamburger, Aoyama) 4. SAZANKA (Sweet Potato, Ebisu) 5. Sala…